
Hey guys, we’re The Mckenzie Sisters! 

For a long time now, we’ve wanted to create a blog documenting our obsession with an esthetically pleasing lifestyle while living on a broke college girl budget.  

We reign from Kansas City, MISSOURI! Not KANSAS, big difference. Our Midwestern upbringing has played a huge role in our personal style and interests...and love for KC BBQ! 

Growing up, we shared a Pepto Bismol pink room and spent hours playing dolls together, however we discovered our own unique styles and interests along the way.  Annie enjoys finding classic staples to mix in with her more trendy pieces. You could either find her at one of her favorite consignment or second hand shops one day and then the next day at Nordstroms or Anthropologie. Megan embodies a simpler and relaxed style that's more fitting for everyday life. She likes to describe her fashion sense as "street style", with hints of feminine charm.

Along with our style, we hope to share what inspires us daily!

Thanks for following along on our journey!

-Annie and Megan